5-05/030.40 - Warning of Parking Violation And/Or Abandoned Vehicle

The Parking Warning form (SH-CR-101) shall be used in the following circumstances.

  • A vehicle is parked in violation of any parking code and the officer elects to issue a warning in lieu of a Notice of Parking Violation;
  • A vehicle is parked apparently abandoned in violation of local and/or state laws; or
  • A new parking regulation is enacted or a parking code has not been regularly enforced, a Parking Warning shall be issued for a minimum of five (5) days prior to issuing a Notice of Parking Violation.

The Parking Warning form is comprised of two sections.  The top section shall be completed, detached from the lower section and securely attached to the vehicle.  The lower section shall be completed whenever the warning is for an abandoned vehicle or for a circumstance which may cause the vehicle to be towed at a later time.

The completed lower section shall be submitted with the Deputy's daily log.  The lower section of the form need not be completed or retained if the warning would not ordinarily result in the vehicle being towed.

When a Parking Warning has been issued which may result in the vehicle being towed at a later time, the vehicle shall be marked in the following manner:

  • A mark on the tire and a corresponding mark on the ground shall be made to establish the vehicle's position at the time the warning was issued;
  • The outside sidewall of a tire shall be marked with the date, time and issuing Unit's designation (i.e. 53T1); and
  • Additional markings may be made to meet particular Station/Unit or unique situation requirements.

Stations/Units shall maintain a file for the lower section of the Parking Warning form.  Completed lower sections of the Parking Warning form shall be placed in the file at the conclusion of each shift.  The file shall be kept in chronological order.  The file shall be located at the Watch Deputy's desk.

The file shall be reviewed daily by the Watch Deputy.  Forms that have been in the file for 72 hours or longer shall be removed and assigned to an appropriate field Unit for follow-up action.

Personnel taking follow-up action shall comply with one of the following procedures:

  • If the vehicle is no longer in violation, the lower section of the Parking Warning may be discarded and the appropriate entry made on the Deputy's Daily Worksheet;
  • If the vehicle is stored or impounded, the lower section of the Parking Warning shall be attached to the CHP 180 report and made part of the permanent file; or
  • If the assigned personnel are unable to conduct a follow-up investigation they shall note their name, the date and the reason no action was taken on the Parking Warning and return it to the Watch Deputy.  The Watch Deputy shall reassign the follow-up investigation to an appropriate field Unit.