5-05/030.22 - Certification of Correction on Citations

Section 26746.1 of the Government Code requires that a fee be assessed by the Sheriff for certification of correction on each citation that requires an inspection for proof of correction.

Any citizen who requests a certification of correction on a citation that requires an inspection for proof of correction shall be advised of the fee and should be referred to the nearest Sheriff's Station or court services Unit.  The Station or court services Unit shall collect a fee for certification of correction on each citation.

Fees shall not be collected in the field.

Deputies or authorized representatives of the Department shall issue a Department of Sheriff Receipt to the citizen along with the certification of correction.  Monies collected for certification of correction shall be deposited in the Miscellaneous Fees account and separately identified in section one of the Transmittal of Miscellaneous Fees form (SH-AD-359).

The "Certification of Correction" field on the reverse side of the yellow (violator's) copy of the citation shall be utilized whenever a Deputy or authorized representative certifies (signs off)  that a licensing, registration or mechanical defect violation has been corrected.  The completion of this field indicates that they have examined the corrected. documentation or mechanical defect and are satisfied that the violation has been corrected.  In addition to signing the "Certification of Correction," Field Deputies shall affix a stamp identifying the Station (i.e., rubber stamp).  The courts will no longer accept a signature alone to clear the citation and they require proof that the appropriate fees have been collected.

Deputies or authorized representatives shall certify a correction only when the citation is for violations for which they have personal knowledge sufficient to make a definitive determination of correction. They will not certify as having corrected violations for defective brakes, headlight adjustments or smog equipment. These citations should be referred to official state garages. Commercial Enforcement Deputies are qualified to certify brake repairs on commercial vehicles.

NOTE:    Citations involving commercial vehicles can only be certified as corrected by personnel who have successfully completed our Department's or the CHP's Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Course.

A certification of correction shall include the following:

  • Vehicle Code Section violated/corrected;
  • Signature and printed name of the certifying Deputy or authorized representative;
  • Deputy's employee number;
  • "LASD" in agency box; and
  • Date of certification,
  • Station identification stamp.

The citizen shall then be directed to present the citation to the court designated on the face of the citation prior to the indicated court appearance date.