5-04/160.40 - Storage/Return of Evidence by Scientific Services Bureau

Scientific Services Bureau shall restrict access to stored evidence and ensure accountability among evidence-handling personnel.  Evidence shall be stored in locked storage areas with delineated key control.  Scientific Services Bureau shall establish a storage system compatible with PRELIMS.

Evidence transported to Scientific Services Bureau by bureau couriers shall be stored in a secure evidence storage location by the courier.  Evidence transported directly by investigators and other specified personnel shall be placed into the secure evidence storage location by the bureau's property custodian.

The bureau property custodian shall record the custody transfer of the evidence in PRELIMS and transfer the evidence into the secure evidence storage location.

Custody transfers of evidence to be examined by Scientific Services Bureau personnel shall be recorded in PRELIMS. When the examination/analysis is complete, the evidence shall be returned to the secure evidence storage location under control of the bureau property custodian and the appropriate custody transfer shall be recorded in PRELIMS.

The bureau's couriers will remove the evidence from the secure evidence storage location; transport it to the submitting station/unit, participating agency, or Central Property; and secure it in that unit’s respective secure evidence storage location.  All transfers of evidence to, from, and within Scientific Services Bureau shall be recorded in PRELIMS.