5-04/160.10 - Request for Laboratory Examination

Request for laboratory examination shall be initiated by completing a Scientific Services Bureau Laboratory Receipt (SH-CR-126) to include a description of the items, type of examination desired, and any special instructions written on the face of the laboratory receipt.

By submitting evidence to Scientific Services Bureau (SSB) for laboratory examination, the agency/investigator agrees that SSB will choose the appropriate course of analysis based on several criteria including but not limited to the type of evidence submitted, the requested analysis, and the procedures and technology available to the analysts.

Scientific Services Bureau can be contacted for additional details relative to the examination/analysis of the submitted evidence.

Evidence for Examination by Biology, Firearms, Questioned Documents or Trace Evidence Sections

Investigators or requesting parties submitting evidence to the Biology, Firearms, Questioned Documents or Trace Evidence section of the laboratory are required to speak directly to the section supervisor or member of the section to discuss relevant case circumstances.  This knowledge of case circumstance will allow section personnel to accurately assess the need for analysis.  The requesting party must articulate an analytical objective that is within the technological capability and available resources of the laboratory. The requested examination must answer a significant issue with the case and provide pertinent and beneficial information for the investigation, adjudication, and/or disposition of the case.  When all this information is known, the section supervisor or designee shall determine if a case will be accepted for analysis.  Cases that are accepted will be assigned to a priority classification based on the evaluation of the nature of need and the type of crime.

Evidence for Examination by Blood Alcohol, Chemical Processing, Clandestine Laboratories, Controlled Substances (Narcotics), Latent Prints and Toxicology Sections

Examination of evidence submitted to these sections will generally be performed in the order the evidence is received although each section may have more detailed case acceptance and examination criteria.  Investigators or requesting parties having special examination needs shall contact the laboratory section directly to discuss relevant case circumstances.