The station/unit property custodian, under the direct supervision of the station/unit property lieutenant, shall maintain the standardized PRELIMS storage system. The unit property custodian shall have discretion to add or revise storage locations to meet the needs of a particular station/unit, and such additions or revisions of storage locations shall be coordinated with the PRELIMS Administrator/Help Desk.
Each PRELIMS-defined storage location has a two-part identifier (CUSTODY OF/LOCATION) defined as follows:
ELA Bulk 1 East Los Angeles Station Bulk Evidence – area used to store bulk property/evidence at East Los Angeles Station
ELA General 1 East Los Angeles Station General Evidence – area used to store general property/evidence, such as the unit’s property room
LASD Personnel Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Personnel – used when an item is in the custody of LASD personnel
A container in PRELIMS is a box, virtual box, or like container which can hold one or more items of property or evidence. Each container is identified with a unique number and is labeled with a PRELIMS-generated barcode label. Once created, all containers must be logged in PRELIMS to a specific storage location (CUSTODY OF/LOCATION), even if the container is empty.
PRELIMS tracks all items transferred to the container and tracks where the container is located, i.e., the specific CUSTODY OF/LOCATION.
The transfer or movement of a container in PRELIMS results in the movement or transfer of all items in the container.