5-04/070.10 - Storage System At Station/Unit

All station/units shall employ a standardized property and evidence storage system as follows:

  • Items will be stored in clasp type manila envelopes in numerical order according to the assigned URN sequential number, then in ascending order by item number;
  • The PRELIMS-generated property/evidence label shall be placed approximately two inches below the top of the envelope to allow sufficient space to handprint the URN at the top of the envelope.  This is done so that the URN and item number are readily visible; 
  • All items for each URN or PRELIMS case identifier shall be placed in envelopes, where appropriate, and the envelopes shall remain unsealed;
  • All envelopes shall be filed on shelves or in boxes by URN sequential.

All envelopes shall be filed on shelves or in boxes by URN sequential regardless of whether the envelope contains an item of property or just a notation of where property is stored. (Index cards may be used in place of envelopes). Individual shelves and boxes shall be tagged to note the series of numbers they contain. Storage boxes shall be arranged by calendar month for easy reference as to the length of time an item has been held at the station.

It is preferable, but not required, that all firearms, including handguns and long guns, be stored in a separate, secure area and not comingled with general evidence.  This secure area may be part of station’s general evidence and property room.

Exception:     Alcoholic beverages, blood and urine specimens, and rape kits shall be stored separately in sequential order by URN or by citation number.  This procedure allows for timely clearance.

Exception:     Scientific Services Bureau shall establish a storage system compatible with PRELIMS.  See section 5-04/160.40 Storage/Return of Evidence by Scientific Services Bureau.