5-04/070.00 - Storage of Property/Evidence

All property/evidence items shall be stored in a secure manner in a secure facility.  Unit commanders shall designate authorized areas within the confines of the station/unit for the storage of property and evidence. Property/evidence shall not be stored in personal lockers or in unauthorized areas.

All storage locations shall be identified in PRELIMS using a unique description of the location, and each location shall be marked with a PRELIMS-generated barcode label. 

Upon initial booking of the property/evidence items in PRELIMS, Department personnel responsible for booking the items shall physically secure the property/evidence items in a secure evidence location appropriate for the specific items as soon as possible after booking the items and record this transfer in PRELIMS. For example, narcotics evidence shall be stored in the Narcotics repository; bicycles may be stored in the station property room or in an overflow room used to store bulk or large items.