5-04/050.30 - Status - Property and Evidence

For the purpose of tracking and processing items, PRELIMS will assign an initial STATUS to each property and evidence item. STATUS is used to determine retention periods and disposition. There may be exceptions to the rules assigning an initial status to an item.  Those exceptions are generally based on the item type.

The status of an item may be changed by the case investigator or designee at any time with warranted justification.

Statuses include the following:


A STATUS of 6 MONTH DISPOSE is assigned to evidence items in non-felony cases.  Such items are disposed of directly from Central Property and Evidence (CPE) ten months from the item’s booking date in PRELIMS.  By Department policy, an item can stay at a station for no more than 120 days before it is transferred to Central Property.  Six months after transfer to Central Property custodian, the item is disposed of without further contact or notification to the unit or approval by investigating officer.


A STATUS of 12 MONTH DISPOSE is assigned to blood and urine samples collected on Driving Under the Influence-related cases.  Such items can be disposed of directly from the station/unit 367 days from the item’s booking date in PRELIMS without any further contact or notification to the unit or approval by the investigating officer.

  1. HOLD

A STATUS of HOLD is assigned to an item if said item is to be retained intact as evidence in a court case, as a collector’s item, or as part of a set and a felony charge is associated to the case as Charge 1 in PRELIMS. Items with a HOLD STATUS are held intact indefinitely until:

a) The investigating officer approves the disposal of the item by changing the STATUS in PRELIMS to READY TO DISPOSE, or READY TO RELEASE TO OWNER, and

b) Lieutenant or designee approval of the STATUS change is recorded in PRELIMS.

The HOLD STATUS of each item is reviewed every six months by the investigating officer.  If the HOLD STATUS is to be continued, investigating officer approval and lieutenant or designee approval is required in PRELIMS.

For cases where Homicide Bureau, Special Victims Bureau, or Civil Litigation Unit is the investigating agency, evidence with a STATUS of HOLD is reviewed every two years.  If the HOLD STATUS is to be continued, investigating officer approval and lieutenant or designee approval in PRELIMS are required.  See section 5-04/170.10 Retention Review/Property Clearance Lists.


A STATUS of DEPOSIT is assigned to items with an item type of currency or seized currency which are to be deposited in an appropriate account, e.g., Sheriff’s Trust Fund.

  1. FOUND

A STATUS of FOUND is assigned to non-evidentiary property determined to be lost or abandoned and is not known or suspected to be connected with any criminal offense. 


A STATUS of EX PARTE is assigned to an item per an Ex Parte order; typically these are narcotics-related items.


A STATUS of READY TO DISPOSE is assigned to evidence/property items when there is no need to retain the item and no other procedures apply.  An item with a READY TO DISPOSE status can be disposed of via the Central Property custodian.


A STATUS of READY OT RELEASE TO OWNER is assigned to Inmate Property items or assigned to an item when the investigating officer authorizes the item to be released to an owner.


A STATUS of IMMEDIATE DISPOSE is assigned when an item can be disposed of directly from the station/unit.


A STATUS of DISPOSED is assigned when an item has been disposed of from the custody of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.