5-04/050.10 - Category - Property and Evidence

For the purpose of tracking and processing items in PRELIMS, each property and evidence item is classified into a distinct group called a CATEGORY.

Categories in PRELIMS include the following:

Digital Media (Scientific Services Bureau use only)

That digital media used by Scientific Services Bureau personnel to capture images used to document crime scenes.


Any property related to a crime or incident that may implicate or vindicate a person from a criminal charge.

Found Property

Non-evidentiary property determined to be lost or abandoned and is not known or suspected to be connected with a criminal offense.

Found Property value greater than $250

Non-evidentiary property determined to be lost or abandoned and is not known or suspected to be connected with a criminal offense with an estimated value greater than $250.00.

Inmate Property

Property belonging to an inmate, previously referred to as ‘bulk’ property, and/or personal property.


Any property not related to a crime that is placed in the custody of the Department for temporary protection for eventual return to its rightful owner.  Inmate property is not to be booked into PRELIMS under the CATEGORY of ‘Safekeeping.’

NOTE:    Typically firearms and weapons are submitted for safekeeping; however, other items may also be submitted for safekeeping.


Any property turned over to the Department by the rightful owner for the sole purpose of disposing of the property by the Department.

NOTE:    Typically firearms (e.g., Gifts for Guns) and weapons are surrendered; however, other items may also be surrendered to the Department for disposal purposes.