5-04/040.60 - Affixing Property/Evidence Labels

PRELIMS will generate bar-coded property/evidence labels.  Care shall be taken in affixing the property/evidence label to the appropriate evidence or property item.

  • Labels shall be affixed to the property in such a manner that the label will not separate from the item.  If the item has no surface to which an adhesive label will adhere, a tag may be tied to it, and the property label affixed to the tag;
  • Labels shall not be placed where they may cause damage when removed;
  • Labels shall be placed on the exterior of the packaging material used; 
  • For property placed in a clasp-type, paper envelope, the label shall be placed approximately two inches below the top portion of the envelope to allow sufficient space to handprint the URN at the top of the envelope; 
  • Staples shall not be used to affix property labels to the property.  Staples are only to be used to affix the Scientific Services Bureau Laboratory Receipt (SH-CR-126) to the colored sealed area at the top of the transparent evidence bag.  If the item has no surface to which an adhesive label will adhere, a tag may be tied to the item and then the property label affixed to the tag;
  • Narcotic evidence shall be placed in a serialized transparent evidence bag and the label affixed to the exterior of the bag in the area imprinted “Property/Evidence Label here”;
  • Currency shall be placed in a transparent evidence bag and the label affixed to the exterior of the bag in the area imprinted “Property/Evidence Label here”;
  • Blood shall be placed in the appropriate blood sample envelopes. Urine sample jars shall be placed in the appropriate plastic bag.  The evidence shall be identified by filling in all required information on the blood sample envelope or urine jar yellow label. Labels generated by PRELIMS shall be affixed to the blood evidence envelope or to the urine jar plastic bag, as appropriate;
  • Handguns, rings, and other items of similar size shall be placed in reinforced manila property envelopes.  Labels shall be affixed to the exterior of the envelopes;
  • Currency, coins, collectibles, or valuables shall be placed in transparent evidence bags when possible. Labels shall be affixed to the exterior of the bag in the area imprinted “Property/Evidence Label here”;
  • Inmate property (i.e., bulk property) and money from released prisoners that is left at a station shall be entered into PRELIMS by the station jailer, deputy, or station property custodian and labeled appropriately;
  • When an existing property/evidence label needs to be replaced due to damage or when changes to the URN or other information relevant to the item are necessary, the new label shall be placed in close proximity to the existing label (any portion of the existing label shall not be obscured by any part of the new label).  The individual placing the new label on the package shall line through the old label with a single strikethrough (do not obliterate with pen or marker or remove the old label from the package) and place his/her initials and date across the old label and onto the package to indicate who changed the label and when the change occurred.