5-03/030.12 - Warrant Arrest Verification Procedures

The performance of warrant verification procedures shall be part of the booking process for all warrant arrests.  When booking an individual believed to be named in a warrant, the deputy/officer shall consider the following identifying factors:

  • Name (or combination of names);
  • Date of birth;
  • Driver license number;
  • Race;
  • Physical description (height, weight, hair color, and eye color);
  • Tattoos or oddities;
  • Address;
  • Previous address; and
  • California Identification Index number (CII #).

The booking deputy/officer shall be responsible for obtaining a copy of the Warrant Information Sheet (WIS) and place the “Warrant Verification Stamp” on the lower portion of the WIS.

The booking deputy/officer shall ensure all the required information on the stamp is completed.  If the arrestee does not dispute they are the person identified on the warrant, no further action is required.  However, in the event the individual disputes being the subject named on the warrant, the booking deputy/officer shall inform the jailer as soon as practical.  (For disputed warrants, see section 5-07/110.60.)