5-03/200.05 - Property Handling At Time of Station Booking

All contraband or articles prohibited by law shall be taken from the prisoner.

All property not returned to the prisoner and listed on lines 18, 19 and 20 of the B&PR shall accompany the prisoner to IRC/CRDF for storage pending the prisoner's release.

The method of packaging the property shall be as follows:

  • Food stamps shall be inventoried and the total amount listed on the B&PR.  A separate sealed envelope containing the stamps, and so labeled, shall be placed in the lower portion of the plastic bag;
  • Watches, glasses and similar items that are subject to damage should be placed in a 3"x5" clasp envelope before placing in the plastic bag.  Identify watches by brand name;
  • Purses (women's and men's) shall be examined, the contents inventoried, wrapped securely (with string, if necessary), and tagged with inmate's name and booking number;
  • Enclose the yellow copy of the B&PR in the plastic bag so that the prisoner's name and booking number are visible;
  • Place property in the plastic bag and seal as close to the articles as possible, allowing at least 4" at the open end; and
  • Additional plastic bags may be stapled together and identified by the name and booking number on a 3"x5" manila envelope placed inside the plastic bag.

All property which is too large to fit into the plastic bags shall be handled as bulk property.  The property shall be identified with a completed Property Label (SH-CR-35) and stored at the Station.

When a prisoner has no property and is transferred to IRC/CRDF, the yellow copy of the B&PR, indicating "No Property" shall be attached to the booking transmittal package.


The amount entered on line 18 for deposit, shall total all cash in the possession of the prisoner (see section 5-03/025.00) and shall be handled as follows:

  • The officer booking the prisoner shall question the prisoner to ascertain that the cash removed from his possession represents all of the cash in his possession;
  • In the presence of the prisoner and the jailer, the money shall be counted and verified; and
  • If the money to be deposited is $400 or more, the full amount shall be placed in the Station safe.  All monies less than $400 shall be sealed separately in an end portion of the prisoner's plastic property bag.  The money envelope shall not be mixed with other items of property in the bag.

Prisoners booked directly into IRC/CRDF shall have their money directly deposited with the cashier.  The transporting Deputy shall hand carry the money to the cashier's office for deposit.  The Deputy shall obtain two copies of the Deposit Ticket (SH-H-251), and distribute as follows:

  • Green copy shall be given to the prisoner; and
  • White copy shall be retained by the Deputy for inclusion into the arrest file.

Procedure for Handling Monies Less Than $400

  • All cash in prisoner's possession shall be placed in a money envelope.  The booking officer and the jailer shall clearly write their names across the envelope before sealing it with clear tape.  The outside of the envelope shall indicate, in ink, amount of cash sealed inside, prisoner's name and booking number;
  • Enter the amount of money in the envelope at the top left side of the B&PR with the date and time.  Both the booking officer and the jailer shall sign their names below the entry;
  • The booking officer shall seal the money envelope into a separate end of the prisoner's plastic property bag and turn it over to the jailer, who will place it under lock and key; and
  • The booking officer shall obtain the signature of the Watch Sergeant at the top right of the B&PR and return the B&PR to the jailer.

Procedure for Handling Monies $400 or More

  • Enter the prisoner's name, booking number and amount of money to be placed in the Station safe on the outside of the money envelope;
  • Enter the amount of money in the envelope at the top left side of the B&PR with the date and time.  Both the booking officer and the jailer shall sign their names below the entry;
  • The booking officer shall take the unsealed, noted envelope containing the cash to the Watch Commander, who shall verify the amount of money, write his name across the flap of the envelope and seal it with clear tape;
  • The Watch Commander will also sign the top right portion of the booking slip and shall then place the sealed envelope in the Station safe, pending deposit to the prisoner's account.  He shall then make the appropriate entry into the safe ledger;
  • The booking officer shall be responsible for returning the booking slip to the jailer, who shall then be responsible for the safety of the plastic property bag; and
  • At the time of the prisoner's transfer from the Station to either court or Men’s Central Jail/CRDF, the money envelope shall be removed from the Station safe and sealed separately into an end portion of the prisoner's plastic property bag.  The Watch Commander shall make an entry in the safe ledger reflecting the removal.

Jailer's Responsibility for Property Bags

The jailer shall maintain all plastic property bags under lock and key.  At the close of his shift, he shall verify the packages on hand with the incoming jailer by checking the bags against the Station's copy of the booking slips held for the prisoners who are still at the Station.  Once verified, the outgoing jailer shall turn over the key of the storage compartment to the incoming jailer.  The incoming jailer shall then sign the Jailer's Record Form (SH-CR-452) as the jailer on duty, and that signature is verification that all property on hand is in order.  The only other key to the storage compartment shall be the Station Commander's emergency key.

Opening of Sealed Property Package

The sealed property package may be opened in the presence of the person responsible for custody of the prisoner's property for the following reasons:

  • Concerned personnel's need to examine the contents;
  • The prisoner requests release of property to another person; and/or
  • The prisoner claims the property contains evidence that he has been erroneously arrested on a warrant.

Whenever prisoner's property is released to a person other than the prisoner, the officer responsible for the prisoner's property shall note the following information on the reverse side of the yellow copy of the B&PR:

  • The prisoner's signature;
  • The signature of the person receiving the property;
  • Date, time, name and employee number of officer authorizing the release; and
  • Type of identification used by the recipient.

The remaining property, cash and yellow copy shall then be placed in a new plastic container and resealed as prescribed above.

If all property and cash are released to a person other than the prisoner and the prisoner is transferred to IRC/CRDF, the yellow copy of the B&PR shall be sent to the IRC Personal Property Supervisor.

Property seized by court order or search warrant does not require the prisoner's signature.