5-03/195.05 - Law Libraries for Sentenced Inmates

The Department shall establish and maintain law libraries for all sentenced inmates in County facilities.

Main inmate law libraries shall be maintained at Men’s Central Jail, North County Correctional Facility, and CRDF.  Mini law libraries shall be maintained at the Century Regional Detention Facility and all Stations.  Sentenced prisoners at Stations may share a common mini law library with Station personnel.

Mini law libraries shall contain a set of Annotated Vehicle Codes, Health and Safety Code, Evidence Code and Penal Code.

The law library rules shall be posted in a conspicuous place for sentenced inmates.  Further Unit rules may be added to reflect special needs as long as they are not in conflict with the basic rules:

Law library rules:

  • A law library is available for your use.  Books are located at the facility's designated area;
  • Assigned areas for the use of law books shall be designated by facility;
  • Each inmate shall be permitted the use of law books for a minimum of two hours daily (not to conflict with assigned duties);
  • Legal pads and pencils shall be provided upon request.  All requests shall be directed to the (designated by Unit Commander);
  • Legal books shall not be marked or defaced.  Any inmate returning damaged books may be subject to discipline; and
  • Use of the law library shall be restricted to actual legal research and matters directly related to the inmate's case.