5-03/175.25 - Reporting of Inmate's Exposure to Aids and Other Communicable Diseases

Deputy personnel who observe or are informed of activity in a jail facility (includes Station jails, court lockups, etc.) that may cause the transmission of AIDS or other communicable diseases shall take immediate action as appropriate by reporting this to the facility Commander on a "Report of Activity Known to Cause Transmission of AIDS."   A copy of this report shall be forwarded to the Chief Physician, Medical Services.

Reportable activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Sexual activity resulting in the exchange of bodily fluids;
  • IV drug use;
  • Incidents involving injury to inmates or personnel in which bodily fluids are exchanged;
  • Tampering with medical and food supplies or equipment; and
  • Inmates who state they are infected or have been exposed to AIDS, an AIDS-related condition or other communicable diseases.

All information, including information contained in other reports concerning the same incident, shall remain confidential.  All employees shall maintain the confidentiality of inmate personal data except for disclosure as may be necessary to obtain medical or psychological care or to pursue a court or administrative hearing.

Each Unit Commander shall develop Unit orders concerning inmates in the facility who have been exposed to or infected by AIDS, an AIDS-related condition or other communicable diseases and disseminate to all employees, contract personnel and volunteers who may have had direct contact with the inmate, or with bodily fluids from such inmate.

Inmate Requests for HIV Testing of Other Inmates

Deputy personnel shall advise any inmate who alleges that he has come into contact with the bodily fluids of another inmate of his right to request HIV testing of the other inmate. 

Any inmate who requests HIV testing of another inmate shall be advised to complete the "Inmate Request for HIV Testing of Other Inmates" form and submit it to the facility Commander. 

All inmate requests shall be processed in a timely manner.  A copy of the inmate's request shall be forwarded to the Chief Physician, Medical Services.  It is the responsibility of the facility to log the request by date and time and to transmit the inmate's request to the Los Angeles County Director of Health Services.  This transmission shall be made as soon as practical.