5-03/140.00 - Special Assessments for Night Municipal Courts

Department personnel authorized to accept fines and bail deposits for violations of 42006 CVC, or any local ordinance relating to the operation of a vehicle or their operator's or owner registration or pedestrian offenses, shall collect a special assessment of .50 cents for each fine and bail deposited in cases to be conducted in night courts.  This assessment shall be in addition to any other penalty assessment.

The special assessment shall be collected for only those fines and bails imposed by Municipal Courts that conduct night sessions pursuant to section 72300 of the Government Code.  These Municipal Courts in Los Angeles County are:

  • Citrus
  • Compton
  • Downey
  • Long Beach
  • Los Angeles
  • Pasadena
  • Whittier

This assessment shall be waived in cases where a person is convicted and is imprisoned in lieu of fine payment.  This assessment shall be charged on partial fine payments after imprisonment.

Special assessments shall not be collected on bail deposited as the result of any warrant.