5-03/130.05 - Prisoners/Inmates Processed Through IRC/CRDF

When an inmate, processed through IRC/CRDF, appears in court and is ordered released by the court, the Deputy having custody of the inmate (bailiff/transportation) shall begin processing the inmate for release from court. The deputy shall also notify the watch deputy at IRC/CRDF of the pending release status of the inmate.  All inmates ordered to be released shall be released within eight (8) hours or by midnight of the same day a release order is issued (whichever deadline comes first).

When a judge orders an inmate released, the Deputy having custody of the inmate shall:

  • Obtain the release order from the court ordering the release;
  • Send an “In-Court Release Worksheet” e-mail to “IRC IN CRT RELEASE AM” before 1430 hours and “IRC IN CRT RELEASE PM” after 1430 hours. The e-mail subject section must include the court’s name;
  • The Document Control Clerk shall telephone the Court Release Deputy with the specifics of each individual inmate’s release processing need.  They shall indicate which inmates are eligible for release from court as well as those that must be returned to IRC/CRDF for additional processing.  The Court Release Deputy shall write the date, time and name of the document analyst (IRC/CRDF) authorizing the release, on the reverse side of the court release order; and
  • Establish positive identification of the inmate to be released.  The identification band and identification card worn by the inmate is not considered positive identification. Los Angeles County Regional Information System’s photo and/or booking information, LIVE SCAN, and information from IRC/CRDF Document Control may be used to establish positive identification. If positive identification of the inmate cannot be established, the inmate shall be returned to IRC/CRDF for fingerprint comparison and expedited release.  When necessary, special transportation may be provided.

Once positive identification has been established:

  • Remove the identification band, and identification card.  Attach them to the "in court" release order;
  • Release the prisoner inmate;
  • Transmit the release order to IRC/CRDF; and
  • Make a release entry on the Transmittal Form (if applicable).

The following inmates shall return to IRC/CRDF prior to release:

  • Inmates requiring medical approval for release;
  • Inmates requiring mental evaluation prior to release;
  • Inmates convicted of a charge that requires submitting a DNA sample prior to release; and
  • Any exception approved by IRC/CRDF Document Control Clerk, Records Lieutenant or Watch Commander.

Inmates ordered released, but returning to IRC/CRDF, shall have a green wristband attached to their identification wristband in order to distinguish them as “potential releases,” pending approval.  Appropriate paperwork must accompany the inmate.  Prior IRC/CRDF approval shall be obtained before transporting green wristband inmates to IRC/CRDF.

The Sheriff’s Department is allowed 24 hours to have an inmate evaluated by medical/mental health personnel prior to release and/or placement of the inmate in a medical/mental health facility due to their condition.  The 24-hour period also applies to inmates that must submit a DNA sample prior to their release from custody.