5-03/110.10 - Photographing Felony Bail Releases

Stations/Units arresting suspects and preparing to release prisoners pursuant to the felony bail procedure, shall photograph the subject prior to release.

The photographs, to be utilized mainly by the Detective Division, will be an aid during investigations and for identification.  Stations/Units desiring to set up a mug file should request their Station/Unit name be included in the Photo Lab's distribution list.

Film cartridges and flash cubes for use with the instamatic cameras may be requisitioned from the Photo Lab.  A 10"x12" slate board to be used as an identification plate shall have the date, subject's name and date of birth, booking number, Station/Unit and the charge printed on it.

General Guidelines

  • Instruct the subject to hold the identification plate at least 6" below chin level in both full face and profile shots;
  • Face the subject to the camera operator's left on profile shots.  Photograph the right side when the subject has distinguishable features on that side;
  • Photographs, as a general rule, should be confined to the area above the subject's waist;
  • Select a nondescriptive, light colored wall as a background;
  • Instruct the subject to remove any outer coat or jacket prior to photographing; and
  • Exposed film cartridges shall be tagged "Bail Outs" prior to sending them to the Photo Lab for processing.  In order that concerned personnel be supplied with timely information, it is recommended that exposed film be forwarded for processing within 24 hours.

Copies of the 3-1/2"x5" photographs shall be forwarded to the Major Crimes Bureau in addition to any other requests for distribution.