5-03/090.60 - Surety Bond Procedures - Stations and IRC/SBI

Procedures for the acceptance of surety bonds are as follows:

  • The jailer/cashier to whom a surety bond is offered for bail shall adhere to the same procedures for the acceptance of cash bail;
  • A separate surety bond shall be required for each case when there is more than one case against the prisoner;
  • The bondsman shall complete the upper portion of the Surety Bond Request for Release of Prisoner (SH-J-268), in triplicate.  Stations with a bondsman requesting a copy of the Surety Bond Request may prepare an extra copy of SH-J-268;
    • All bail bonds must be presented by a licensed bail agent, in person, at any jail facility within the County of Los Angeles.  At the time of presentation of the bail bond, the licensed agent must also present the following items for inspection:
      • The bail agent’s identification card;
      • A photocopy of the State license for that bail agent; and
      • If that bail agent’s license has expired, a copy of proof that the bail agent has applied and paid for a renewal of his or her bail agent’s license; and the application is pending with the State of California, Department of Insurance;
  • The jailer/cashier to whom the bond is offered shall check the bond to see that it is valid and shall compare the data on the SH-J-268 with that on the bond itself to see that they are in agreement;
  • The IRC/CRDF cashier shall complete the cashier section of the SH-J-268 and forward the forms to the document analyst for processing and release of the prisoner;
  • When the release is completed, the jailer shall complete the remaining portion of the SH-J-268; and
  • SH-J-268 shall be distributed as follows:
    • Original:
      • Stations - to the court Deputy; and
      • IRC/CRDF - to the prisoner's jail jacket;
    • First Copy:
      • Stations - to be promptly forwarded by U.S. Mail to the concerned court together with the surety bond; and
      • IRC/CRDF - retained by the jail cashier;
    • Second Copy:
      • Stations - retained for Station files; and
      • IRC/CRDF - returned to bondsman.

When the concerned court is one served by the Station releasing the prisoner, the first copy of the SH-J-268 shall be delivered to the clerk of the court by the court Deputy on the next court day following the release of the prisoner.

  • The IRC/CRDF cashier shall also prepare a Surety Bond Transmittal Form (SH-J-269), in duplicate, which shall be distributed as follows:
  • Original - attached to the surety bond and forwarded to the concerned courts,
  • Copy - retained by the IRC/CRDF cashier.

Release procedures following the acceptance of surety bonds for bail shall be the same as those outlined for the release of defendants following the acceptance of cash bail.