5-03/090.45 - Bail Shortages/Overages

If there is a discrepancy (shortage or overage), the outgoing jailer shall immediately notify his Watch Commander, who shall assist the two jailers in determining the reason for the discrepancy.

If a shortage still results, the Watch Commander shall:

  • Prepare an original and one copy of a Memorandum on SH-AD-131 under the subject "Shortage-Bail/Fine Bank Account," indicating the amount of the shortage and receipt numbers involved.  The memoranda shall remain under lock and key with the cash and related bail forms;
  • Prepare a SH-AD-32A from the Station Commander to the concerned Division Chief detailing the circumstances of the shortage; and
  • Prepare a SH-R-49 under the classification of "Lost Property."

The Station Commander shall submit the original and two copies of the "Lost Property" URN report and the original and one copy of the SH-AD-32A to the concerned Division Chief who, in turn, will forward this material to Fiscal Administration, who will prepare the necessary reports to the Auditor-Controller.  Under no circumstances will the deposit be postponed.

If an overage results, the Watch Commander shall prepare a Memorandum (SH-AD-131), in duplicate, under the subject of "Overage-Bail/Fine Bank Account" and give the amount of the overage and the receipt numbers involved.  The overage money shall be placed in a money envelope and properly identified.  The Watch Commander shall seal the envelope and place it with the memorandum copies in the safe pending the next deposit to the Miscellaneous Fees Bank Account (see Fiscal chapter).  Bail/Fine overage money must be deposited to this account since the only method of withdrawal from the Bail/Fine Bank Account is by means of the checks issued to the courts.

The original of the overage memorandum shall be attached to the back of the weekly report, Transmittal of Miscellaneous Fees (SH-AD-359), and the amount of the overage entered on the form itself.  The other copy shall be attached to the Station records of the transaction.