5-03/075.00 - Classification and Placement

The policy and procedure governing the classification and authority to require labor from an inmate is 4017 PC, which states that all sentenced persons confined in the County Jail, Industrial Farm or Road Camp may be required by an Order of the Board of Supervisors to perform labor on the public works or ways in the County.

The Inmate Classification Program shall be the function of the Inmate Classification and Placement Detail (ICPD).  This detail is established by the Custody Services Division, and shall:

  • Be supervised by the IRC Captain; and
  • Consist of persons designated by the following:
    • Sheriff;
    • Undersheriff;
    • Assistant Sheriff responsible for the Custody Operations;
    • Chief, Custody Services Division, General Population; and
    • Chief, Custody Services Division, Specialized Programs.

The purpose of ICPD is to interview and classify sentenced inmates and to compile sufficient information on each inmate to properly assign the inmate to a facility based on the following criteria:

  • Inmate custody level;
  • Facility security level; and/or

facility and inmate needs. It is the policy of the Department that each physically and mentally able inmate be placed in a productive job to the end that good work habits are acquired and that opportunities are available to participate in educational and/or vocational classes for self-improvement.