5-03/050.10 - Procedures When Livescan System Is Down

If the Livescan Network is unable to transmit cards electronically to RIB, a service call shall be initiated via the Livescan Help Desk.  If the Help Desk directs the Station to produce local cards, the "local 4" processing option on the livescan device shall be used.  This produces four cards at the local site.  One fingerprint card per subject only shall be faxed to RIB as soon as possible.  RIB will initiate a Cal-ID fingerprint search upon receipt of the facsimile fingerprint card.  Upon completion of the fingerprint identification process, RIB will initiate a response message to the originating agency via JDIC.

The three remaining local livescan produced fingerprint cards and the JDIC facsimile transmission response message shall be attached, with one staple, to RIB’s copy (blue) of the B&PR and forwarded to RIB daily.


If the Station's livescan system is not functioning, a service call via the Livescan Help Desk shall be initiated.  If it is necessary to produce inked cards, three cards shall be rolled.  

Whenever inked fingerprint cards are produced, the number of fingerprint cards required to be produced locally are:

  • Sheriff’s Arrest - Three fingerprint cards;
  • LAPD Arrests – None; or
  • All Other Agencies’ Arrests (CHP, other police department, court bookings, etc.) - Three fingerprint cards.

It shall be the responsibility of the Station jailer to select the highest quality card from the three required inked fingerprint cards for facsimile transmission.  Station jailers shall also ensure that Sheriff's Station clerks complete a name search via JDIC terminal, making every effort to confirm the arrestee's identity and obtain any existing CII number prior to facsimile transmission of a fingerprint card.  Any known or suspected CII number shall be written in pencil in the upper right-hand box marked "leave blank" prior to the transmission.  The following data shall be filled out on the single selected card for the fingerprint identification search prior to transmitting:

  • Prisoner's last name, first name and middle name (if no middle name, use the initials "NMN");
  • Aliases (AKAs and monikers);
  • Place of birth (two character state or a country code only; use "List" key available on the livescan device);
  • Date of arrest;
  • OCA (Booking number only - Do not use the truncated file number);
  • Sex;
  • Race;
  • Height;
  • Weight;
  • Eyes;
  • Hair;
  • Date of birth;
  • Charge(s) (include subsection complete charge descriptions as indicated in the AJIS Charge Table); and
  • Social security number (if known).

The following information shall be filled in on the reverse side of the one fingerprint card only, which is the one RIB will forward to DOJ:

  • Employer;
  • Occupation;
  • Residence (use complete address - i.e., East, West, Street, Avenue, Apt #, City, State and Zip Code);
  • Scars;
  • Miscellaneous numbers (state drivers' license, state identification card, alien registration card, etc.); and
  • Medical problems.

The two remaining fingerprint cards shall contain the following information on the front of the cards:

  • Prisoner's last name, first name, middle name (printed in ink or typed);
  • Prisoner's signature;
  • Date the fingerprints are taken (not date of arrest).  Leave the section marked "Date Arrested or Received DOA" blank.  The date the fingerprints are taken is to be entered in the section marked "Date;"
  • Signature and employee number of official taking fingerprints; and
  • Place the booking number in the section marked "Your OCA."

Leave all other spaces blank.  Do not write in charges, charge descriptions, physical descriptions or date arrested.  The Records and Identification Bureau (RIB) will type in all other information from the B&PR.

The Records and Identification Bureau shall respond to each facsimile transmission, via JDIC, with the CII number and "true name" of the prisoner or notification that the prisoner is new to the California Criminal History File.  Fingerprint verification for arrestees whose identity and CII numbers were established by booking Stations will be conducted upon receipt of fingerprint cards forwarded to RIB.  Fingerprint cards transmitted via the facsimile machine shall be forwarded (with copies of the B&PR and the JDIC Facsimile Transmission response message) to RIB daily.

When RIB responds via JDIC that the prints are unusable (e.g., dark, light, smeared, poorly centered, etc.) and rerolling and resending is necessary, it is the responsibility of the jailer to ensure that acceptable fingerprints are submitted in a timely manner.

CII numbers for prisoners new to the California Criminal History File will be assigned by RIB after receipt of the original fingerprint cards.