Outside agencies arresting on a local warrant, when court is in session, shall be advised to take the prisoner directly to court for arraignment and/or admittance to bail. If the warrant is out-of-County, the agency shall inform the prisoner, in writing, as required by 821 and 822 PC.
This County or any other County does not have the authority to change the amount of bail set by a court of another County.
Outside agencies booking prisoners with the Department on a warrant arrest when court is not in session will be responsible for the following:
The Sheriff's Department, receiving prisoners booked on warrant arrests by outside agencies, shall transport the prisoner to court as directed by the arresting agency and accept bail when offered.
This Department shall also:
The Sheriff's Department shall be responsible for placing holds against the prisoner and scheduling court appearances. The Department shall notify the agency holding the warrant on an out-of-County warrant of the following:
The out-of-County agency has five court days (per 821 and 822 PC) in which to take custody of the prisoner after the expiration of local charges.