5-03/030.03 - Booking Prisoners with Medical Problems

Prisoners who are injured or ill and require medical treatment, or prisoners or detainees who have swallowed narcotics, drugs, or other harmful substances shall be transported to a hospital emergency room or trauma center for medical treatment and booking approval.  If booking is approved but reasonable doubt remains as to the prisoner's welfare, the prisoner shall be transported to either Men's Central Jail, Century Regional Detention Facility, or Los Angeles County USC Medical Center as appropriate for the purpose of evaluation and/or monitoring.


To assist patrol personnel in handling extreme cases of intoxication, arrangements have been made with Custody Division for direct bookings into the LCMC Jail Ward.
These procedures may apply regardless of the other charges for which the suspect is booked.

The decision to book these suspects directly into LCMC SHALL BE CAREFULLY WEIGHED by arresting deputies, and, whenever possible, the CONCURRENCE OF A FIELD OR STATION SUPERVISOR SHALL BE OBTAINED.  The option of booking suspects who are under the influence of VARIOUS NARCOTICS AND OTHER DRUGS directly into LCMC shall only be exercised when the following circumstances exist:

  • The suspect's actions MAY consist of outbursts or a constant level of wild, frenzied, unruly, or violent behavior or a state of withdrawal which may be consistent with very quiet behavior or bending over as if about to collapse;
  • The suspect represents a continuing danger to himself/herself and others and requires direct and immediate medical attention;
  • If it is unlikely that the suspect can be safely booked and controlled at the station; and/or
  • Seriously Injured suspects will continue to be booked at LCMC. If there is any question as to whether the suspect is seriously injured, the suspect will be taken first to LCMC.

Arresting Deputies Responsibility

When determination is made that a direct booking into LCMC is necessary, the arresting deputies shall advise their station's desk that they are: “10-15 with a narcotic and/or other drug-related arrest and request direct booking at LCMC ETA:_______."

Desk Personnel Responsibility

When advised by a field unit that they are en route to LCMC, desk personnel shall immediately telephone LCMC at (323) 409-4563 and notify them that Unit #_____ is en route with a violent narcotics suspect for direct booking, with an ETA of _____.

Booking Procedures – LCMC

  • The transporting deputies shall obtain as much booking information as possible prior to arrival and, where possible, use the LiveScan prior to booking;
  • They shall proceed to the southeast driveway on Marengo Street. and park in any available space as near to the door as possible;
  • When the transporting unit arrives, the suspect will be visually assessed inside the car by the attending nurse and LCMC sergeant for obvious injuries. the suspect will be removed from the radio car by the transporting deputies, under the supervision of the LCMC sergeant.  This procedure shall be video recorded;
  • Before accepting any narcotic and/or alcohol suspect booking for admission, the following procedures shall be followed:
    • The transporting and/or arresting deputies shall remove and take control of all personal property and contraband from the arrestee prior to entering the facility.  Personal property includes:  Rings, watches, money, etc.;
    • The property will be placed into a plastic bag by the arresting/transporting deputies.  Bags will be provided by the hospital/clinic deputies; and
    • In order to maintain the chain of evidence and for control purposes, the arresting/transporting deputies shall be responsible for safeguarding the arrestee's property while inside LCMC;
  • Once the suspect is fully restrained on a gurney, the transporting deputies will be asked to wait, to take control of the inmates clothing and fingerprinted booking slip.  The transporting deputies are not allowed to accompany the inmate to the hospital housing areas.  (Transporting deputies shall secure their weapons in the radio car trunk prior to entering the hospital sally port); and
  • The booking slip and the property obtained from the suspect shall be processed at LCMC by the arresting deputies.

Booking Procedures – Juveniles

Juveniles 16 or 17 years of age arrested for under the influence of narcotics or alcohol will often be handled and released at the station level.

Should circumstances preclude disposition at the station level and transportation to another facility is necessary, the following guidelines shall be followed:

  • If the juvenile is injured, displays bizarre behavior, or has dangerously elevated blood pressure, he/she should be transported to LCMC for evaluation and possible confinement at that location; and
  • If the intoxicated juvenile is oriented as to time and place, able to reply to simple questions, displays passive behavior, and is not injured, he/she may be transported directly to Juvenile Hall.

If there is any question as to the degree of intoxication, a medical clearance (commonly known as an "okay for booking") should be obtained prior to transport to Juvenile Hall. 
The medical clearance can be obtained at LCMC or any County-approved medical facility.

Juveniles 15 years of age or younger should be transported to the USCMC Emergency Room in lieu of the LCMC Jail Wards.

NOTE:    This policy does not affect policy regarding notification to juvenile or Station intercept officers.