5-03/030.00 - Station Booking Procedures

The subsections which follow outline the responsibilities and procedures that are involved in Station bookings.  The security and safety of all inmates booked and housed in Station facilities shall be a capital concern of the Department's Station Commanders.

The Department will accept any adult prisoner committed by competent authority at IRC or CRDF.  This Department will also accept any prisoners committed by competent authority at any Station, provided that authority has complied with the pertinent procedural sections of this chapter and provided that the receiving Unit has the facilities and personnel available to ensure the safekeeping of the prisoner.  The latter shall be determined by the concerned Custody Division Chief or his designated representative.

In cases where the prisoner's safekeeping cannot be assured, the court time cannot be met, or the acceptance of the prisoner would place an unusual hardship on the Station facility, the committing agency will be redirected to IRC or CRDF.

Transfer of prisoners from Station facilities to LCMC, CRDF, and/or IRC

Prisoners shall be transported to LCMC, IRC, or CRDF with the prior notice to the LCMC, IRC, or CRDF Watch Commander when the prisoners cannot otherwise be released in the following circumstances:

  • Violent suspects, under the influence of narcotics/drugs, may be transported directly to the LCMC Jail ward;
  • When prisoners are suicidal and in need of supervision not available at the Station level;
  • When prisoners are sick, injured, or have mental or medical problems and cannot reasonably be kept at the Station;
  • When female prisoners who have given birth within the past year and are charged with murder or attempted murder of their infants;
  • When prisoners arrested for a felony have special keep-away or safety problems; and/or
  • When the number of prisoners has reached or exceeds the Station’s maximum bed capacity.