5-03/020.30 - Identification Band Color Code

The clincher bracelet comes in six colors which shall be used as follows:

  • White - general inmate population.  This color shall be used for all inmates in custody who do not require special handling and who have no medical problems;
  • Yellow - medical alert.  This color shall be used to denote prisoners with medical problems.  The jail medical staff shall designate those prisoners with medical problems and shall authorize the placement of yellow clincher bracelets;
  • Red - special handling (see section 5-03/175.15 for special handling codes);
  • Blue - special handling (see section 5-03/175.15 for special handling codes);
  • Green - special handling.:  High bail (K-6).  Includes inmates with a bail of $1 million and above.  May also include some inmates with no bail holds or a high bail which is lower than $1 million; and
  • Orange - male juveniles and female work furlough inmates.

If a prisoner requires special handling and he has a medical problem, he shall be given a red or blue special handling bracelet (see section 5-03/175.15 for special handling request procedures).