5-03/010.00 - Arrest Review Procedures

All warrantless arrests require supervisory approval prior to completion of the booking process.

When suspects are booked into a Patrol Station jail, the arrest review shall be performed by the Watch Commander/Watch Sergeant of that Station.  When suspects are booked at locations other than a Patrol Station, the arrest review shall be completed by supervisors of the Arresting Deputy’s Unit of Assignment.

In circumstances where a Probable Cause Declaration is required, the declaration shall be completed prior to the arrest review and presented to the reviewing supervisor.

The following cases shall be reviewed by the Watch Commander:

  • Felony arrests;
  • Juvenile detentions; and
  • All arrests involving an on‑duty peace officer victim.

All other arrests shall be reviewed by the Watch Sergeant.    

When arrests are not approved for booking, the arresting Deputy shall:

  • Query CWS and WPS via JDIC to ascertain if any warrants are outstanding;
  • Expedite the release of the prisoner if there are no wants;
  • Prepare an inactive arrest report indicating the reasonable cause for the arrest, and the name of the reviewing supervisor.  Also include with the details of the expeditious processing and release of the prisoner.  The report shall state, "Detention only."  Issue a Certificate of Release (SH-AD-516); and
  • Ensure that Livescan records of the booking are deleted by faxing a Live-Scan Correction form to the R.I.B. Fingerprint Unit at (562) 345-4465.  The Fingerprint Unit can be contacted for assistance at (562) 345-4461.  If the live-scan booking is still in process, the printing officer should abort the procedure by closing the program and not saving the record.

Do not prepare the Arrest Disposition Report or submit fingerprints on "Detention only" cases.