5-02/035.25 - Conditions of Nonsecure Detentions

The following are conditions of non-secure detention of minors in law enforcement facilities:

  • Minors shall be under constant supervision by the staff of the facility;
  • Minors shall not be locked in a room or other enclosure;
  • Minors shall not be physically secured to a cuffing rail or other stationary object;
  • Minors shall not be in non-secure detention longer than six hours after their arrival at the facility before they are removed to a probation facility, or released to a parent, guardian, or responsible relative; and
  • If an adult prisoner, including an inmate worker, is present with the minor in the same room or area, staff of the law enforcement facility trained in the supervision of inmates shall maintain a constant, immediate presence with either the minor or adult prisoner, to ensure there is no communication between the minor and adult prisoner.  Situations in which a minor and an adult prisoner may be in the same room or passageway shall be limited to the following:
    • Booking;
    • Awaiting visiting or sick call;
    • Inmate worker presence while performing work necessary for the operation of the law enforcement facility, such as meal service and janitorial service; and
    • Movement of persons in custody within the law enforcement facility.