5-02/150.75 - Subpoenas - Juvenile Court

Juvenile Court subpoenas are Superior Court subpoenas.

Any Deputy who is unable to appear because of injury or illness or who had a conflicting court appearance shall contact the District Attorney in the concerned court, or the Unit's court liaison officer, at least one day in advance of the hearing date.  If a subpoena is not served on a Deputy because of vacation, illness, or other leave from duty, the Watch Commander shall contact the above persons at least one day in advance of the hearing date.

Deputy personnel shall bring all evidence and reports with them to court.  Upon arrival at juvenile court, the Deputy shall determine if all subpoenaed witnesses are present.

If they are not, the Deputy shall contact the District Attorney to determine if necessary witnesses could be located and be brought to court in order to prevent a continuance or dismissal of the case.

On those cases where all of the witnesses are present, or the missing witness is not a key witness, the Deputy shall advise the District Attorney that his case is ready.