5-02/150.10 - Arrests on Juvenile Warrants and Orders

Juveniles arrested as a result of a warrant can be immediately taken to court.  Normally, the juvenile shall be transported by the arresting Deputy and detained at juvenile hall and a copy of the warrant or abstract left at juvenile hall.

Juveniles arrested for violation of court ordered conditions of release will immediately be referred to the Field or Community Detention Probation Officer (CDP).  The Field or CDP officer shall make the determination to release or detain the minor.

Deputies shall transport the minor to the appropriate juvenile hall, and will furnish the probation officer at juvenile hall with a Juvenile Hall Entrance Record (76E608J) and a Probable Cause Declaration.

Violation of conditions of probation as enumerated in a JAI printout will be handled as described in 625 and 626 WIC.  However, only the probation officer can file a violation of probation report.