5-02/100.50 - Transporting Juveniles to Juvenile Halls Within Specified Time Limit

When it is necessary to detain a juvenile at Eastlake, Los Padrinos, or Sylmar Juvenile Halls, the juvenile shall be transported as soon as possible.

All requests for transportation of juveniles shall be sent via JDIC to Transportation Bureau, and shall include:

  • Name of subject;
  • Age and sex;
  • Destination; and
  • Mandatory delivery time (see time limits below).

NOTE:    When transportation cannot be arranged within a reasonable time, it shall be the responsibility of the Station/Unit to transport the juvenile to juvenile hall.

To expedite the juvenile's transfer to juvenile hall, Transportation Bureau shall transport juveniles to juvenile halls on the day shift in addition to the current transportation runs on late evening and early morning shifts.

The following guidelines shall be strictly adhered to:

  • Juveniles shall be transported to juvenile hall as soon as possible;
  • Mandatory time limits:
    • Under no circumstances shall the detention of a minor in a Sheriff's Station/Unit be more than six hours from the time of arrival at the facility;
    • Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays are not excluded.  These days shall be counted the same as weekdays; and
    • Time limits shall be followed even when detectives are not on duty or not available.
  • Transportation Bureau, upon receiving the JDIC request, shall respond within five hours to transport the juvenile to juvenile hall.  If the Transportation Bureau is unable to comply with this time limit, they shall notify the Station/Unit Watch Sergeant and give the expected ETA.  The Station/Unit Watch Sergeant shall then decide whether to wait or arrange for other transportation; and
  • It is therefore necessary that the JDIC request be sent as soon as the determination to detain is made by the investigating detective.

NOTE:    The six hour detention limit is not applicable at the Catalina Island facilities.  However, juveniles shall be processed in an expeditious manner and those minors not released to a parent, guardian, or responsible relative, shall be transported on the first available Sheriff's transportation to an appropriate juvenile facility.