5-02/090.20 - Booking At Jail Wards

All 16 and 17-year-old juveniles, who are in custody and in need of hospitalization, may be booked directly into the Jail Wards at the LAC/USC Medical Center.

All juveniles under the age of 16 years require a juvenile court order before they can be booked into the Jail Wards.

Juveniles to be booked shall be brought directly to the Jail Wards (Ward 13-400) and admitted there.

If the jail ward doctor approves admission, a booking number is obtained by the jail wards from the AJIS computer and plain fingerprint impressions placed on the reverse side of the original copy of the Booking and Property Record form.

NOTE:    If the minor needs medical treatment, the minor must be treated and must receive booking approval prior to admission to juvenile hall.  If admission of the juvenile is not approved, the juvenile shall be taken to juvenile hall and admitted there.

A Juvenile Hall Entrance Record (76E608J) and a Probable Cause Declaration must be filled out on all juveniles who are admitted to the LAC/USC Medical Center Jail Wards or open wards.  One copy of each form must be delivered to the Intake Detention Control (IDC) at Eastlake Juvenile Hall when the juvenile is transported to the LAC/USC Medical Center.  Generally, juvenile hall is notified and a Probation Officer responds and fills out the form and takes custody of the juvenile's property.