5-02/090.15 - Booking Restrictions

For AJIS, the following descriptions shall be used for the charge line on computer input for juvenile bookings:

  • 300 juvenile (indicating a detention);
  • 601 juvenile (indicating a taking into custody under the provision of 601 WIC); or
  • If booked on a charge other than 300 WIC or 601 WIC, indicate the actual code of the offense charged (e.g., 211 PC, 459 PC, 484 PC, etc.).

The following booking slip descriptions shall be used for the charge line on the Booking and Property Record form for juvenile bookings:

  • 300(a) WIC, Lack of Supervision;
  • 300(b) WIC, Destitute;
  • 300(c) WIC, Physically Dangerous;
  • 300(d) WIC, Unfit Home;
  • 601 WIC, Runaway, Transient, or Loitering, whichever applies; or
  • If booked for a law violation (federal statute, state law, city or county ordinance), use the code section and descriptive statement.  Do not use 602 WIC.

When booking a juvenile, one or more charges may be alleged on the Incident Report (e.g., 211 PC, Robbery; 459 PC, Burglary; and 10851 CVC, Auto Theft).

NOTE:    300(a) WIC, Lack of Supervision, shall not be used in cases of delinquency, even though the juvenile is under 14 years of age.