5-02/050.15 - Juvenile Petition Request - Preparation

The Juvenile Petition Request contains several sections which shall be completed properly.  Particular attention is directed to the following information:

Give names of both natural parents and legal guardians, and the addresses, phone numbers (business and residence), and relationship of each.  If unknown, so state.  Step-parents may be included.  Parents’ identification and address should be verified when a minor is released.

Date/Time Arrested
All requests shall show date and continental hour of arrest. Use interview date and hour if subject not taken into custody.

List school now attending or last attended and grade in which enrolled or last completed.

Place of Detention
Indicate where juvenile is currently detained.

Gang Affiliation
Known or identifiable gang association should be noted.

In requesting a 300 WIC petition, the investigating detective shall also state the complaint sought, the complaint obtained, or the warrant issued against the parent or person placing the juvenile in the described situation.