5-02/010.05 - Release of Information by School Officials

The release of information by school officials to law enforcement agencies is regulated specifically by the California Education Code.  These regulations apply to all school districts in California.

"Directory" information is available if the school has previously advised the parent that law enforcement agencies may receive such information and the parent agreed at the time the information was furnished.

"Directory" information may include the following:

  • Student's name, address, and home phone number;
  • Date and place of birth; and
  • Student's school activities.

Additionally, the following information may be released:

  • Records maintained by a school's law enforcement agency, provided that such records are maintained apart from other school records, and are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes; and/or
  • Records relating to employees, providing that such records are exclusively related to the individual's capacity as an employee.

School officials may release information to appropriate persons in connection with an emergency, if such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons.

This Department may obtain information from education records as follows:

  • Obtain written consent from the parents of students involved, specifying that the following be included in the consent:
    • Nature of the information to be released from the records;
    • Reason for the release of the information; and
    • Name of the person to whom the information is to be released;
  • Obtain a court order or a subpoena for the school records.

In either case, the school shall be responsible for notifying the parents and the student.

In compliance with mandatory reporting guidelines, schools shall provide necessary information in the following cases:

  • Reporting of child abuse or sexual molestation of students under the age of 18 (11166 PC);
  • Student assaults on, threats toward, or menacing of school personnel (44014 Ed.C.);
  • Infliction of a non-accidental injury upon a pupil by any person (11166 PC); and
  • Student assaults with a deadly weapon upon another person (48909 Ed.C.).

The appropriate Unit Commander shall be contacted for assistance when personnel encounter problems obtaining information from school officials.