5-01/060.05 - Stored Vehicles

In an arrest situation, it is the policy of this Department that deputies shall advise the owner/driver, prior to storing their vehicle, the vehicle may be secured, legally parked, and left at the location or may be released to a designated responsible person who is present and will accept the responsibility for care of the vehicle.

The deputy should exercise the care necessary to ensure that a parking violation will not occur and, if in a high crime area, advise the arrestee of the potential danger to his property.

A stored vehicle report on a CHP-180 form shall be made when a vehicle is stored for one of the following reasons:

  • Vehicle is apparently abandoned;
  • Vehicle must be removed from its present location because it is in a "no parking" area, blocking traffic, etc.;
  • When an arrest is made and the ownership or permission to drive the vehicle is not verified, but the circumstances do not justify a reasonable cause grand theft auto (GTA) charge; or
  • Vehicle must be placed for safekeeping.

Before any vehicle is stored, the Stolen Vehicle System (SVS) shall be queried to determine whether or not such vehicle is stolen or wanted.  When out‑of‑state vehicles are to be stored, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) shall be checked.

The deputy placing a vehicle in storage shall be responsible for the following:

  • Verification of ownership and indication if sole owner;
  • Preparing an original and one copy of a CHP-180, including inventory of any personal property and the contents of any closed containers within the vehicle;
  • Giving the carbon copy to the garage/tow truck operator;
  • Notifying the station/unit as soon as possible so that the “Station Daily Log of Stolen, Stored, Repossessed and Impounded Vehicles” may be updated;
  • Assigning a Uniform Report Number (URN); and
  • Estimating the value of the vehicle from one of the following categories:
    • $500 dollars or less;
    • Over $501 but less than $4000; or
    • Over $4000.

If the storage is in conjunction with another crime or incident, use the same URN.

After entry in the SVS, the station/unit secretary shall indicate the file control number (FCN) on the CHP-180 and distribute the report as follows:

  • Image into the Sheriff’s Electronic Criminal Data Archive (SECDA);
    • Original CHP-180;
  • For the unit;
    • Sufficient copies for unit needs.