5-01/030.15 - Stolen Vehicle Report - Theft Through Fraud or Embezzlement

When a report of an alleged stolen vehicle is received under circumstances constituting fraud (e.g., vehicle obtained by a suspect through swindle, bunco or use of forged or fraudulent instrument), the Deputy shall:

  • Prepare an Incident Report (SH R 49) covering the alleged theft;
  • Prepare a CHP-180 for signature;
  • Assign an URN (the same for both the SH-R-49 and the CHP-180); and
  • Mark the CHP-180 "Do Not Enter in SVS."

In the case of an embezzlement involving a breach of a lease or rental agreement, the Deputy shall:

  • Prepare an Incident Report (SH-R-49) covering the alleged theft;
  • Prepare a CHP-180 for signature;
  • Assign an URN (the same for both the SH-R-49 and the CHP-180);
  • Enter the information into SVS and note in the "Miscellaneous" field that the vehicle is embezzled; and
  • Enter the FCN on the CHP-180 and process the report the same as a regular stolen vehicle.

The assigned detective shall conduct the necessary investigation to obtain sufficient facts to seek a formal com­plaint and warrant and shall present such facts to the District Attorney.

If the District Attorney will not issue a complaint and warrant, an appropriate supplemental report shall be submitted to inactivate the case.  The supplemental and the original CHP-180 stolen report shall be imaged into the electronic archive SECDA and the vehicle shall be removed from the SVS with a "dummy" CHP-180.

If the District Attorney issues a complaint and warrant, the investigating detective is responsible for ensuring that the report processing is completed and in cases other than leased or rented vehicles that are reported embezzled, the entry is made into SVS.

The Incident Report covering a stolen/embezzled vehicle shall be distributed as follows:

  • Image into electronic archive SECDA;
    • Original SH R 49;
  • To Unit;
    • Sufficient copies of the report to meet Unit needs.

If the detective handling the case obtains a complaint and warrant from the District Attorney, the following shall apply:

  • Assign the CHP-180 the same URN as assigned to the Incident Report;
  • Incorporate in the CHP-180 the warrant number and name of the suspect;
  • Enter the stolen vehicle data in SVS and note in the "Miscellaneous" field that the vehicle is embezzled; and
  • After indicating the FCN on the CHP-180, duplicate and make the same distribution as for a regular stolen vehicle.