4-19/045.00 - Press Relations

Crime or Incident






For line procedures, see Volume 5, chapter 9.

Cases involving juveniles





Names of detained or suspected juveniles shall not normally be released to news media or any third party (see NOTE).  However, the Department may release the names of juveniles who escape from juvenile custody when this information becomes a public safety matter.

NOTE:  In unusual cases, in the public interest, such information may be released through the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.

Code 20 cases involving:

-- Arson,
-- Dead bodies,
-- Extortion,
-- Homicides,
-- Kidnaping.





Code 20 press notification shall be made via the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau, who shall be notified by phone.

The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau shall have the responsibility of transmitting a Code 20 to the press without delay, except in cases where such notification would jeopardize the investigation and/or safety of victim(s).

Units shall submit an inter-Departmental memo to the Sheriff, through channels, on cases involving the classification noted and on any other newsworthy incident.

When progress of the investigation permits, the Units will immediately:

  • Transmit the pertinent facts by phone or other appropriate means to the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau; and
  • Station/Unit detective supervisor shall prepare a memo in duplicate.  The original shall be placed in the press file and the copy delivered to the Station/Unit Watch Commander, who shall also notify the local press if the incident warrants.

Code 20 incidents other than above





When a field Unit observes a newsworthy incident, a Code 20 shall be sent.  The fact that a Code 20 was sent shall be noted on the "Deputy's Daily Work Sheet."

When a newsworthy incident comes to the attention of the Station/Unit complaint desk, local news gathering agencies shall be notified as warranted.  A Code 20 shall be requested and the Station/Unit Log noted of this fact.  The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau is to be informed of all newsworthy events.

Newsworthy incidents coming to the attention of Units other than Stations/Unit’s shall have a Code 20 requested by the Unit.  The Unit shall also submit an inter-Departmental memo to the Sheriff, through channels, concerning the incident.  The contents of this memo shall be relayed to the Watch Commander of the Station/Unit in whose jurisdiction the incident occurred so that he may place a memo in the press file and notify the local press if warranted.

Routine memos



Routine notification to the press of flood conditions, storm or wind damage, etc., will continue to be submitted in accordance with standard operating procedures in such matters.