4-04/025.00 - Aircraft

Crime or Incident







NOTE:  Designate SRD to Aero Bureau on any incident involving the Aero Bureau or its personnel.

Damage to



See "Property Damage."

Fatality involved


Aero Bureau


Aero Bureau and Homicide Bureau to be notified immediately.  Aero Bureau will respond as soon as possible.  Aero Bureau will notify Homicide Bureau in cases where foul play is suspected.  Homicide Bureau will respond at the request of Aero Bureau.

Code 496 - Person Dead, Other/Unknown.

Forced landing



Notify Aero Bureau at once.  Make report or log entry at direction of Aero Bureau.

Low Flying


Aero Bureau


Notify Aero Bureau at once.  On weekends and holidays, notify the Sheriff's Communications Center.  Report to contain all available information regarding aircraft number or description of aircraft (e.g., color, identification marks, such as stripes or colored wing tips, etc.); type of craft (e.g., airplane, helicopter, glider, balloon, single engine, four engine, jet, etc.), in addition to routine data.  Include type of area plane was flying over, such as residential, pasture, etc., as limits differ.

Code 399 - Misdemeanor, Miscellaneous.

Scene of accident

48 (injuries)
49 (fatality)

Aero Bureau


Patrol personnel at scene shall provide traffic and crowd control and prevent anyone from touching or moving the wreckage except to remove injured persons.

If fatality, Aero Bureau and Homicide Bureau to be notified immediately.  Aero Bureau will respond as soon as possible.  Homicide Bureau will respond at the request of Aero Bureau in those cases in which foul play is suspected.

If wreckage or dead bodies must be moved because of hazard in a critical area, permission shall first be obtained from the Coroner's Office through Homicide Bureau.  The location of any moved wreckage or dead bodies must be marked if moved prior to the arrival of Aero Bureau personnel.  Photographs should be taken prior to movement, if possible.

If restriction of airspace is necessary, notify Aero Bureau.  Aero Bureau shall be responsible for making necessary notifications/requests to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Transportation and Safety Bureau (NTSB), and related governmental agencies.

NOTE:  Personal effects shall not be handled except by direction of the Coroner's Office.

Custody of wreckage under direction of Aero Bureau remains with patrol pending arrival of a member of Federal Aviation Agency on civilian aircraft or member of military organization involved when accident involves military aircraft.

If our investigation is complete and the appropriate federal agency has not taken custody of the wreckage, Aero Bureau shall contact the concerned federal agency and speak with an agent who can authorize expenditures of federal funds for securing the wreckage and obtain the agent's name, business address and telephone number.  The agent shall be asked specifically if he authorizes such an expenditure in this incident, and the pertinent information shall be relayed to the Watch Commander of the concerned Station/Unit.

If the expenditure is authorized, an unusual occurrence number shall be obtained by the Watch Commander and an accurate accounting of all expenditures recorded.  Personnel assigned to secure the wreckage shall be in addition to normal staffing.

At the conclusion of this duty, a memo shall be directed to the Director of the Administrative and Training Division providing all the pertinent information, including the authorizing agent, unusual occurrence number, copies of reports and overtime worked reports.

If the agent refuses to authorize the expenditure of federal funds for security, personnel need not remain at the scene of an accident in unpopulated, less accessible areas, if it is ascertained that the federal agency will be unduly delayed.

Code as applicable:

481 - Accidents, Non-traffic.
496 - Person Dead, Other/Unknown.



Arresting Unit or Station Detective


For theft from, see "Theft."

Code 097 - Grand Theft - Other Vehicle.