4-01/100.25 - Important Cases and Incidents

The Watch Commander of the Station or Unit handling the initial investigation of an important case or incident, shall immediately notify his superior officer by phone or in person of the case/incident and have him determine whether or not the case/incident is sufficiently important to be immediately relayed, through channels, to the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau, the Assistant Sheriff(s), the Undersheriff and the Sheriff.

If the Unit Commander cannot be reached, the Watch Commander shall immediately notify the appropriate Commander of the Division.  If the detective Unit Commander or the night detective Sergeant cannot be reached, the appropriate Detective Division Bureau, or on-call investigator after regular duty hours, shall be immediately notified. 

If the case or incident involves personnel of Divisions other than the one involved in the initial investigation, appropriate command personnel of that Division shall also be notified by the individual receiving the initial notification.

A SH-AD-32A memorandum report for the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau, the concerned Assistant Sheriff(s), the Undersheriff, and the Sheriff shall subsequently be submitted, through the same channels and follow-up report information shall also be submitted.  To expedite, the memorandum report may be sent via JDIC to the appropriate terminal.

When more than one Division or Unit handles the initial call or investigation, the Unit Commanders shall mutually agree on which one is to forward the initial memorandum.

If the follow-up investigation is to be handled by another Division or Unit, the initial reporting Unit shall furnish the investigating Unit or Units with a copy of the SH-AD-32A, sent, through the same channels, to the Sheriff.