4-01/090.45 - Assignment of Criminal Cases Originating in Los Angeles County Parks and Recreational Facilities

Parks Bureau will augment the investigation of cases otherwise assigned to station detectives that involve County parks that are maintained by the Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department as well as other County recreational facilities.  Stations having County parks or County recreational facilities in their jurisdictions shall assign high-grade felony cases occurring within the boundaries of the County parks or County facilities to Parks Bureau.  High-grade felony cases are defined as attempted murder, rape, assault with a deadly weapon, robbery and carjacking.  All assignments of misdemeanor arrests or citations generated by personnel assigned to Parks Bureau in which no further action or follow-up investigation is required will also be assigned to Parks Bureau.  All other cases will be assigned to the local Station Detective Bureau or patrol.  Cases involving “targeted street gang members” will also continue to be assigned to O.S.S.

Parks Bureau will also handle cases involving Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department employees, specifically if they are victims of any crime.  Theft or vandalism to any County property located at a County park or County recreational facility will also be assigned to Parks Bureau.

This policy does not preclude Parks Bureau from requesting other cases that they believe would be beneficial in their mission of reducing criminal activity within the County parks and County recreational facilities of Los Angeles County.

All other incidents occurring within a County park or County recreational facility under Parks Bureau jurisdiction will be handled by Station Detectives and shall be designated as SRD to Parks Bureau.