4-01/090.40 - Crimes Against Department Members and Other Peace Officers

Whenever a Department member or peace officer from another agency is the victim of a serious violent felony crime as described in this section, except those reasonably known to have no nexus to their employment, the handling unit shall, in addition to any other notifications required, make immediate notification to Major Crimes Bureau, Metro Detail.  Such notification is required whether the Department member or peace officer was on-duty or off-duty at the time of the incident and shall be documented in the appropriate report.  Reports shall be assigned concurrently to Major Crimes Bureau and the unit designated in this volume.  After consultation with the handling unit, Major Crimes Bureau may elect to have the primary case assignment responsibility.

Metro Detail detectives are charged with assessing threats made by the public against Department personnel.  The Metro Detail lieutenant shall evaluate the veracity and motivation behind the threat, and ultimately determine if the incident will be investigated by Major Crimes Bureau personnel.  Metro Detail will not always act on incidents in which a suspect made a nonspecific threat against a deputy who has just made an arrest.  If however, the threat is more specific or is articulated with details not publicly known about the deputy or his or her family, the Metro Detail will consider this information when evaluating the veracity of the threat.

Threats originating from within Custody Services Divisions involving a threat against Department members assigned to a custody facility, with the concurrence of the Metro Detail lieutenant, may be handled by Custody Investigative Services.  If the threat against the Department member appears to have a connection or relation to an external factor outside the custody facility, or if it appears the threat may exceed Custody Services Divisions’ investigative abilities, the threat may be handled by Major Crimes Bureau.  This determination will be made by the Metro Detail lieutenant in conjunction with the Custody Investigative Services (CIS) lieutenant. 

When the incident will not require significant additional investigation (i.e., the suspect is known or already in custody), Major Crimes Bureau shall be notified, but may decline concurrent case assignment.

If the crime and investigation is being handled by another police agency, an immediate notification to Major Crimes Bureau is still required.  Under these circumstances, Major Crimes Bureau will monitor the investigation.

During non-business hours, the on-call Metro Detail lieutenant may be contacted through the Department Operations Center.  When in doubt, the on-call Metro Detail lieutenant shall be consulted.

When a Department member or peace officer from another agency is the victim as described above, a copy of the incident report or police report shall be sent to Major Crimes Bureau.