4-01/090.30 - Arrest of a School Employee

When a public school employee is arrested for a violation of any of the offenses enumerated in section 290 PC, or in subdivision 1 of section 261 PC, or sections 11590 (only those listed) and 11364, insofar as that section relates to paragraph (12) of subdivision (d) of section 11054 (regarding LSD), of the Health and Safety Code, it shall be the duty of the Watch Commander to do either of the following:

  • If such school employee is a teacher in any of the public schools of this state, he shall immediately notify by telephone the superintendent of schools of the school district employing such teacher and shall immediately give written notice of the arrest to the Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing and to the superintendent of schools in the county wherein such person is employed.

Upon receipt of such notice, the County superintendent of schools shall immediately notify the governing board of the school district employing such person.

The Commission for Teacher Preparation and Licensing is located at 1020 "O" Street, Sacramento, telephone number: (916) 445-7254.

  • If such school employee is not a teacher in any of the public schools of this state, the Watch Commander shall immediately notify by telephone the superintendent of schools of the school district employing such person and shall immediately give written notice of the arrest to the governing body of the school district employing such person.

When a private school teacher is arrested for any of the offenses enumerated in section 290 PC, it shall be the duty of the Watch Commander to immediately notify by telephone the private school authorities employing such person and shall immediately give written notice of the arrest to the school authorities.

Further information relative to the release of criminal records information can be found in Volume 3, chapter 9.