4-01/070.05 - Initial Assignment

The Sergeant approving the Incident Report at the Unit submitting the report shall be responsible for making the initial case assignment at the bottom of the report below the name of the submitting Deputy.

Generally, all assignments of misdemeanor arrests or citations in which no further action or follow-up investigation is required will be assigned to Station patrol.

Whenever a single Unit is assigned a case, that Unit shall be the primary Unit of assignment.

Whenever two or more Units are concurrently assigned a case, that Unit which is responsible for handling a crime or incident included in the case which has a priority number (see section 4-02/060.00) lower than any other included crime or incident will be assigned primary responsibility for that case.

In concurrent assignments the Unit being assigned as the primary Unit shall be so designated by placing a "P" in parenthesis by the Unit name.  This is not necessary in single assignments.  For example:

  • Assignments to ELA detective; and
  • Assignment to Homicide Bureau (P) and Arson/Explosives.

Whenever two Units are concurrently assigned a crime or incident, that Unit which is first listed in the assignment and action column of the alphabetical chapters of this volume will be the Unit of primary assignment, for example:

  • Person Dead as Result of Fire (section 4-19/010.00) shows the assignment to be Homicide Bureau and Arson/Explosives Detail.  Homicide Bureau is listed first and, therefore, will be the primary Unit of assignment.