4-01/050.00 - Special Service Requests

Any request for special services such as fingerprints, photographs, laboratory technician, etc. is to be noted in the report.  All requests for special services shall be transmitted via JDIC to the Identification Section of the Scientific Services Bureau.

The following information shall be included in the message:

  • Complete URN;
  • Address or location and telephone number where the special service is desired,
  • Name of victim (if available);
  • Time when premises will be available for examination or phone number where the victim may be contacted during normal working hours; and
  • Specify areas to be checked at the crime location.  Include license number on all vehicles, when applicable, and the time and place when the vehicle will be available.

Immediate requests for the services of the crime scene investigator shall be authorized by the Watch Commander of the requesting Unit.  Telephone requests shall be made to the Identification Section, Scientific Services Bureau, at  (800) 974-4522 or (213) 989-2163.

Telephone requests shall be followed by a JDIC message to the Identification Section and shall indicate "Confirmation Only."

Immediate requests should only be made when it is imperative that a fingerprint examination be conducted as soon as possible to prevent the destruction of evidence.

See Volume 5, chapter 8, for additional information.