4-01/040.00 - Indexable Information

Penal Code Section 11108 requires that every law enforcement agency immediately enter the following into the appropriate CJIS data base:

  • All serial numbered stolen, lost or recovered vehicles and vehicle parts; and
  • All serial numbered stolen, lost, found, recovered or under observation property.

Vehicle Code Section 10551 requires that every law enforcement agency immediately enter stolen and recovered serial numbered boats and boat parts into the CJIS data base.

The above described articles shall be considered as "Indexable Information" and shall be entered into the appropriate CJIS and/or NCIC data base.  A serial number affixed by the manufacturer to identify a particular item or a number applied to an item by its owner (owner applied number) shall constitute indexable information.

The term "Additional Indexable Information" shall be included in the heading of the Supplemental Report under "Action Taken" whenever new or additional information is included in the body of the report. 

This information shall also be entered into the appropriate CJIS and/or NCIC data base (See section 4-01/130.00).

A minimum description of property should include the following:

  • Quantity of article;
  • Kind of article (TV, camera, etc.);
  • Manufacturer and trade name;
  • Identifying numbers, initials, marks, etc.;
  • Physical description (model, style, design, shape, size, etc.);
  • Material (gold, silver, wood, metal, etc.);
  • Color;
  • Condition (including age); and
  • Value (market value at time of report).

Care must be taken to accurately describe articles for computer entry.  The CJIS and NCIC User's Manual should be consulted for the correct informational content for each data base.