4-01/020.40 - Supplemental Reports

A Supplemental Report is utilized to augment an Incident Report.  Supplemental Reports shall be utilized to document changes in the original Incident Report URN and/or record additional information pertinent to the Incident Report.  URN changes which are made pursuant to a change in the Department policy do not require a supplemental report.

Examples of when a Supplemental Report is required are as follows:

This report shall be used when there is a change in the reporting district number, the statistical code number, or any change in any other element of the URN.  In these circumstances, the original URN shall be given as the Supplemental Report number and the word "Old" in brackets after it.  The new URN shall be shown beneath the old and identified as "New" by adding the word in brackets after the number.  The URN element which has been changed should be identified in the "action taken" portion of the report.  Once a Supplemental Report has been submitted changing the URN, the new URN shall be used on subsequent reports.

The URN change can be reported in conjunction with other supplemental information and need not be reported on a separate report.

  • Serial Numbers, Owner-Applied Numbers and/or Initials, Special Identifying Marks

When cancelling a "want" for any previously described serial numbered article, it is necessary to repeat the identifying number and the description of these articles in the Supplemental Report.  This information must also be included in a JDIC broadcast or the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (CLETS) bulletin cancellation message.  If the article has previously been entered into the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) or the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), it must be removed from those data bases.

If additional serial numbered articles are added, it is necessary to identify the articles in the Supplemental Report as described in the Indexable Information Section of this chapter.  This information should be included in any supplemental JDIC broadcast or CLETS bulletin that may be sent.  The articles must also be entered into the appropriate CJIS and/or NCIC data base.

  • Corrections

Corrections or changes in a name, address, telephone number, operator's license, or time of occurrence shall be reported on a Supplemental Report.

  • Warrants Issued Subsequent to Submission of Incident Report

When reporting the issuance of a "Warrant of Arrest" or a "Bench Warrant," the action taken data on the Supplemental Report should state "Warrant Issued" or "Bench Warrant Issued."  It should also state whether or not the defendant is in custody and when applicable, that the warrant was issued to answer a writ or bail release.

When a warrant is involved, the body of the report should show the charge, the court of issuance, date of issuance, court docket number, who signed the warrant, and the amount of bail, if stated. Subsequent reports concerning the warrant should contain the same information.  A Supplemental Report should be submitted under the original URN.  If the retention element of the URN is to be changed after issuance, follow instructions as set forth under Change in URN Element.

  • Assignment - Additional or Reassignment

Whenever an additional assignment is made in a Supplemental Report, it should be indicated in the "Action Taken" section of the report as "Additional Assignment to _______________."  Unless the words "Additional Assignment" appear on the report, the new unit will not be credited with this assignment.  This procedure also applies to any reassigned case and should be on a Supplemental Report.

  • Arrest Subsequent to Previously Reported Crime

Whenever an arrest is made for an offense which has been previously reported, the arrest shall be reported on a Supplemental Report.

  • Change in Crime Classification

If after the first report of a crime or incident, the crime changes, such as a victim of an aggravated assault dies, making the crime a homicide, or it is determined that the original statistical code was incorrect, the changed information shall be reported on a Supplemental Report.  The change will show both the old classification and URN and the new classification and URN.  The words "From" and "To" shall be used to indicate this change.

  • Change in URN Element

When an element is changed, the Supplemental Report should show the original URN in the heading of the report and the word "Old" in brackets after it.  The new URN shall be shown beneath the old and identified as "New" by adding the word in brackets after the number.  The URN element which has been changed should be identified in the "action taken" portion of the report.  Once a Supplemental Report has been submitted changing the URN, the new number shall be used on subsequent reports.  URN changes which are made pursuant to a change in Department policy do not require a supplemental report.

  • Crime Analysis Supplemental Form (SH-R-49B)

The Crime Analysis Supplemental form (SH-R-49B) identifies, in detail, the actions of the suspect(s), methods of suspect entry and exit, and specific victim information.  Deputies shall complete and submit the SH-R-49B with all criminal Incident Reports.  Exceptions to this requirement are when a Statement of Facts form (SH-R-607) or a Miscellaneous Incident Report (SH-R-609) is used to document an incident.  The SH-R-49B may also be completed for non-criminal Incident Reports when and if appropriate.  The SH-R-49B was implemented as a "Supplemental" form in order to prevent the inadvertent release of critical information to the public pertaining to homicides or other priority cases.  The SH‑R-49B shall not be posted on station press boards or provided to the public (unless requested under court order), regardless of where the investigation is assigned.

  • Custody Services Division Crime Analysis Supplemental Form (SH-R-49C)

The three-part Custody Services Division Crime Analysis Form (SH-R-49C) shall be completed in lieu of the SH-R-49B for incidents occurring within Custody Services Divisions, Court Services Division lock-up facilities, and during inmate transportation by Transportation Bureau. The Custody Services Division Crime Analysis Form identifies, in detail, the actions of the suspect(s), locations specific to Custody Services Divisions and Court Services Division facilities, and specific suspect(s) and victim(s) information.