4-01/020.35 - Courtesy Reports

When a crime or incident reported is within the jurisdiction of another police agency, acceptance of a report should be discouraged.  If, due to hardship to the victim or in the interest of good public relations, acceptance of the report is deemed advisable, a courtesy report for the agency having jurisdiction shall be taken.

However, when any person, regardless of where he resides, desires to make a report for any felony sex offense, missing person, major incident which occurred in the jurisdiction of another policy agency or a stolen vehicle, a courtesy report shall be taken by this Department for the concerned agency. 

When the crime or incident reported is within the jurisdiction of another Los Angeles County Sheriff's Station, a courtesy report for that Station shall be taken.  See Reporting District Numbers - section 4-01/060.00.

Procedures to be followed in processing courtesy reports are outlined under the heading of "Courtesy Reports" in the alphabetical listings which follow in subsequent chapters of this volume.