4-01/020.30 - Subject Information System

Personnel are encouraged to complete the Mobile Digital Communications System (MDCS) Subject Information System (SIS) format to record field interview information, whenever necessary, to increase the probability of a later suspect identification.  The Subject Information System replaces the Field Interview Report (SH-CR-169).  The SIS format can be accessed from mobile digital terminals in the field and in the Units/Stations.  All available information concerning subjects (including description), vehicles and narrative shall be included when completing the SIS format.

To ensure comprehensive use of the SIS, personnel shall:

  • Complete the entire SIS format with all available information; and
  • Complete one SIS format for each subject when there is more than one subject involved in the field interview.

Watch Sergeants shall review information in SIS on a periodic basis for completeness.

Validation reports for SIS information are sent to the Stations every six months from Communications and Fleet Management Bureau.  These reports shall be used by the Station to validate field interview information contained in SIS.  The validation reports shall be retained at the Stations for two years.