4-01/020.17 - Statement of Facts Form (SH-CR 607)

The Statement of Facts form (SH-CR 607) may be used to document certain misdemeanor arrests wherein the suspect was released with a citation (Notice to Appear, TR-130) and without a watch commander “hold.”  This form shall not be used for any felony charge, any crime involving a victim, witness, or informant (other than the arresting deputy), or for any crime involving multiple suspects.

All other arrests shall be documented using the standard Incident Report (SH-R 49) or other applicable forms (i.e., DUI Complaint Report form (SH-R 221), Probable Cause Declaration (SH-CR 558-A), etc.).

This form may be used in lieu of an Incident Report (SH-R-49) for documenting misdemeanor traffic violations such as unlicensed drivers or driving on a suspended license.

The Notice to Appear/citation form shall be attached to the left side of the Statement of Facts form, then photocopied.  The resulting copy is one sheet of paper showing both the citation and the Statement of Facts form. Ensure the photocopy is clearly readable.

The photocopy shall be considered the original document and submitted to the watch sergeant for approval and processing.  Once the approval is obtained, the draft copy of the Statement of Facts form (without the citation information) should be discarded.  The actual citation is then processed separately as part of the booking packet, if booked at a station.  It is not necessary to photocopy the rest of the report pages prior to submitting it for approval (e.g., narrative and PRELIMS printouts).

The Crime Analysis form (SH-R-49B) is not required with the use of the Statement of Facts form.  A “unique identifiers” field in the lower left column of the Statement of Facts form exists so the arresting deputy may make a notation of anything they believe is physically unique about the suspect.  Any notations made in this field shall be entered in the “unique identifiers” field in LARCIS by the unit secretariat.