4-01/020.10 - Content of Incident Reports

There are two major parts to an Incident Report.  They are often referred to as the face page and the narrative.  Additionally, Deputies shall complete and submit the SH-R-49B with all criminal Incident Reports.  The SH-R-49B may also be completed for non-criminal Incident Reports when, and if, appropriate (see Supplemental Reports, MPP section 4-01/020.40).  The following is a brief description of these two parts (For more detailed information regarding report writing see the Report Writing Manual).

The face page generally consists of the first and second pages of the Incident Report, e.g., front and back of the SH-R-49.  However, some specific reports, e.g., Miscellaneous Incident Report, consist of a single page.  Regardless of the form used, the information required for the face page is generally basic in nature.  The following are examples of the types of information required for the face page:

  • Incident classification;
  • Uniform Reporting Number (URN);
  • Date, time and location of occurrence;
  • Victim, witness, informant, etc.;
  • Names, addresses, etc.;
  • Suspect/subject name, address, booking information, etc.;
  • Vehicles used/involved;
  • Names of reporting Deputies and approving supervisor.  Full names and employee numbers shall be listed, including the initials "SR" for Sheriff's Reserves, when applicable;
  • Evidence held;
  • Listing of stolen/damaged/recovered property;
  • Victim of sex crimes request for confidentiality;
  • Case screening factors;
  • Part I crime statistical property information; and
  • Domestic violence information.

In addition to this information the following additional guidelines should be kept in mind when preparing the Face Page:

  • When listing a business as a victim use "DBA" (doing business as) then list the business name;
  • Not required to divulge ethnic origin, however, an attempt should be made to obtain ethnic origin;
  • Witnesses and Informants will not be required to divulge their date of birth, however, an attempt should be made to obtain birth dates.  In those instances where witnesses or informants chose not to give their birth dates use an "A" for Adult and "J" for Juvenile in D.O.B.. section;
  • All time elements shall be expressed in military/24 hour time;
  • All arrest reports (Incident or Supplemental) shall contain the full name and booking number of the arrestee;
  • Provide complete addresses for all victims, witnesses, suspects, etc., including zip codes, on all reports; and
  • When listing suspects, only list names of known persons.  If an individual is only suspected of involvement his name will be listed in the narrative of the report and the suspect line marked "Unknown".

The Narrative of the first report describes the circumstances of the incident or crime.  Generally, it is written in a chronological order and describes;  what brought the incident to the Deputy's attention, what he was told about the incident, what he observed and what actions he took.  In addition, the narrative may/should contain the following information:

  • Method of Operation (M.O.);
  • Specific details of the incident or crime;
  • Exact statements or quotes from persons interviewed;
  • Listing of notifications made, e.g., use of force, etc.; and
  • A recommendation as to the status of the case, e.g., Active or Pending.